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Monday, December 1, 2008

Childhood Cancer Awareness Tree Lighting Sat. Dec. 6th

I thought I'd pass on this announcement from the Candlelighters Foundation - the event is in DC, but you can participate remotely if you want to by purchasing a gold ribbon for a young cancer patient you know.

Childhood Cancer Awareness Tree Lighting 2008

Light Up the Holidays with Hope' has become our Nation's largest childhood cancer awareness event. The 9th annual holiday event will be held this Saturday December 6th 2008, once again at the Old Post Office Pavilion, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave N.W., Washington DC.

Each year during the December holiday season, a 23 foot tree is placed in Washington DC. The tree is solely decorated with thousands of gold ribbons (the symbol for childhood cancer), with each ribbon bearing the name of a child who has, or has had cancer. The tree glitters strong in our nation's capitol for all to see. Thousands each year are touched as they are reminded of our nation's youngest cancer patients.

I encourage families who have had or have a child diagnosed with cancer to participate in this unique event and support childhood cancer awareness by adding your child's name to the National Tree. Ribbons are $5.00 each and can be purchased on-line by clicking on the following link: A tribute can be added in honor or memory of your child.

Each year, a lighting ceremony is held to light the tree, honor our cancer children, and enjoy some fun activities with our families and friends. In keeping with the last two year's events, time will be given to all families attending this year's event to come to the microphone during the program to pay tribute to their child who was diagnosed with cancer.

This year's speaker is Dr. Greg Feero. Dr. Feero is chief of the Genomic Healthcare Branch of the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Feero will be speaking on the hopes and challenges of personalized medicine post sequencing of the Human genome, and its application to pediatric cancer.

'Light up the Holidays with Hope' is a special fun family time as well. Back by popular demand is HILBY. Hilby entertained us several years ago and was considered THE BEST entertainer, involving families on stage with his incredible juggling acts!

This year's event expands on the fair activities with spin art, sand art, prizes and toys for the children. This year we are asking that families help themselves to food and enjoy dinner when they arrive.

Please support this important awareness event through the purchase of a gold ribbon in honor or memory of your child that will be placed on the National Childhood Cancer Awareness Tree. Ribbons can be purchased up until Friday Dec. 5th midnight. We hope that many of you will be able to attend the tree lighting and post-lighting events as well.

Hope to see many of you there!

Please forward to other listservs! THANK YOU!

Ruth Hoffman
Executive Director
Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation