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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pumpkin soup

I made pumpkin soup yesterday using this recipe, and it turned out really nicely, like something I would expect to have served at a fancy restaurant. It was really easy to make, too. I didn't really follow the recipe (I have issues with that), but I used those ingredients. I did substitute sharp cheddar cheese for part of the heavy cream, and I think it tasted much better that way. Next time I think I'll just use all cheddar cheese and no cream, I like the taste of the cheddar with the pumpkin and it's lower fat too.

This soup tastes really good with the Irish potato bread made from my favorite bread machine cookbook, The Bread Lover's Bread Machine Cookbook

Need a bread machine? I love the Breadman TR875 2-Pound Breadmaker, Stainless Steel