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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Favorite bits of 2008:
  • Watching my two kids become friends and learn to play together
  • Visiting friends and relatives, and being visited by friends and relatives
  • Watching my kids and their friends change more and more from babies into little people and seeing more and more of their individual personalities
  • Seeing Mike enjoy his job
  • Trying out new crafts and activities with my kids
  • Watching Emma learn her numbers, letters, colors, and shapes

A few New Year's resolutions:
  • Find places to keep all those odds and ends that get stashed in random places
  • Potty train Emma
  • Get Johnny to eat more solid food
  • Be more patient with cooking/baking that involves a rolling pin
  • Take the kids outdoors more
  • Get the kids to sleep through the night better (closer to achieving this with Johnny than Emma, unfortunately)