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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Play-doh play mat

Play-doh is one of the things we use nearly daily in our home. We recently purchased this clear plastic desk protector from IKEA for $5.99 to use as a play surface when our kids are playing with watercolors, finger paints, etc. This morning, I realized that, since it was clear, paper could be placed under it to create a play mat. I decided that we should create a base for a Play-doh town.

The kids helped draw streets and grass areas on butcher paper :


Then we placed our artwork under the desk protector and set up our town:20090107_0639 I forgot about our resident King Kong (aka Johnny)


Who quickly reduced our town to rubble:


Next time I’ll put the mat on the table so that “King Kong” can only reach part of the town.

I really like the possibilities this creates of having many different play-doh play mats that we create. I think we’ll try a restaurant play mat with place settings and/or a stovetop, a train station, an airport… the possibilities are endless.