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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Child-directed crafting

Johnny’s been sick and/or grumpy because of teething for the past few weeks, and sort of as a result we haven’t done a ton of organized crafting. Emma decided to solve the problem by coming up with some crafts of her own. Sunday she found this pattern and asked me to crochet this small orange ball for her. She was actually quite the taskmistress until I finished it. 20090511_0603 Yesterday during Johnny’s nap she asked for beads and pipe cleaners, which she used to make these:

20090511_0610 I think they were originally supposed to be necklaces, but when she realized how small they were she decided to turn them into collars for her stuffed animals. Here is a picture of her hard at work:


I really enjoy seeing her come up with ideas of her own, especially when they are ideas that she can also execute on her own!