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Friday, August 21, 2009

Another play mat


  • Large sheet of paper
  • Desktop protector
  • Markers or crayons

We hadn’t made a play mat in a while, so it was the perfect activity for our first day home without relatives to help entertain yesterday. Johnny got this car/boat/plane set from a friend as a big brother gift, so we made a town to go with it. I accidentally cut the paper a little bigger than the mat. We’ll either cut it down for future play or let this one wear out and make the next one fit.


The kids pulled out the peg dolls Emma decorated to use as townspeople.


I was pleasantly surprised at how smoothly the day went caring for three children on my own. The kids are maybe starting to feel better, and I think that helped. They both ate properly for the first time since Lily was born, and that went a long way towards the day going well.

See other play mats we’ve made here.